At Techkors, we understand the limitations of traditional development. That’s why we offer powerful low-code/no-code solutions designed to streamline your application creation process. Our team of certified experts collaborates closely with you to build custom applications that perfectly meet your needs, all without the complexities of traditional coding



App Development

At Techkors, we're your one-stop shop for next-generation web and mobile applications. Our team of app development wizards specializes in crafting dynamic solutions to propel your business forward. Whether you need a bustling marketplace, a seamless booking system, an engaging eLearning platform, or a feature-rich eCommerce store, we've got you covered. We're experts in building user-friendly apps for both iOS and Android, guaranteeing a familiar and intuitive experience for your customers.

Integrations & Connectors (Tools)

Say goodbye to data silos and hello to a seamlessly connected ecosystem! At Techkors, we're your integration gurus, specializing in connecting the tools and platforms that power your business. Our team of experts are well-versed in various integration tools, ensuring your digital landscape operates in perfect harmony.

Process Automation

Imagine a world where tedious tasks handle themselves! At Techkors, we're your automation experts, passionate about streamlining your workflows and boosting efficiency. Our team utilizes cutting-edge tools like AppSheets to transform your spreadsheet nightmares into automated dreams. We revolutionize processes, especially those reliant on spreadsheets, to unlock new levels of productivity and accuracy.

MVP Deployment

At Techkors, we believe in taking calculated steps. That's why we offer a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development service to validate your web or mobile app idea quickly and efficiently. Our MVP creation process involves building a core version of your app, allowing you to gather real user feedback. This invaluable insight helps us refine your product before a full-scale launch, minimizing potential risks and ensuring you optimize your resources.


Rapid Application Development

Get to market faster than ever before with Techkors' rapid application development services. We deliver apps in as little as 4 weeks, shattering traditional development timelines. Get your innovative ideas in front of your target audience faster and adapt based on real user feedback.

Guaranteed Scalability

Our applications are built to scale alongside your business. Leverage the power of low-code platforms to handle increasing traffic and data demands, ensuring your applications stay effective for years to come.

Unforgettable User Experiences

Get to market faster than ever before with Techkors' rapid application development services. We deliver apps in as little as 4 weeks, shattering traditional development timelines. Get your innovative ideas in front of your target audience faster and adapt based on real user feedback.

Consistent, Clear Communication

We believe in open and transparent communication. Our project managers act as your single point of contact, keeping you informed throughout the entire development process

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Bring your digital vision to life, code-free! At Techkors, we empower you to build powerful web and mobile applications using our innovative low-code/no-code platform. Ditch the complexities of traditional coding and embrace intuitive drag-and-drop tools and pre-built components.  This allows you to craft custom solutions that perfectly match your needs, without any technical barriers.


Our Technology Stack

Some of the core tech we use for various low code no code applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Techkors’ low-code/no-code development expertise transcends industries and project types. We empower you to bring your vision to life, whether you need custom applications to streamline internal operations and boost team productivity, customer-facing mobile apps to engage your audience and extend your reach, or complex workflow automation solutions to eliminate manual tasks and optimize processes.

Absolutely! Techkors’ low-code/no-code approach empowers you to build custom applications without extensive coding, leading to potential cost savings in several ways. By streamlining the development process, you may require fewer developers, reducing personnel costs. Faster development cycles mean quicker application launches, allowing you to reap the benefits sooner. Additionally, low-code/no-code applications are generally easier to maintain, potentially reducing ongoing costs.

At Techkors, we believe in a collaborative approach that ensures successful project delivery. Here’s how we work:

Initial consultation: We start with an in-depth discussion to understand your needs and vision. Together, we identify the optimal low-code/no-code approach for your project.

Requirements gathering and analysis: We work closely with you to define your application’s features and functionalities in detail.

Platform configuration and customization: Our team configures the chosen platform and leverages pre-built components to lay the foundation of your application.

Development and testing: Our specialists develop the application based on your specifications and conduct rigorous testing to ensure flawless performance.

Deployment and launch: We seamlessly deploy your application to your preferred platform and provide comprehensive training and support for your users.

Ongoing maintenance and support: We offer continuous maintenance and support to guarantee your application stays up-to-date, secure, and maximizing your return on investment.

While ease of use and pre-built functionality are hallmarks of low-code/no-code platforms, Techkors offers extensive customization options to cater to your specific requirements:

Visual customization: Our drag-and-drop interface builder empowers you to tailor the layout and design of your application, fostering a unique and user-friendly experience.

Branding and theming: Integrate your brand elements seamlessly throughout the application, ensuring consistent brand identity with logos, colors, and fonts.

Custom workflows and logic: Build custom workflows and logic using the platform’s built-in tools or scripting options. This allows you to automate tasks and handle complex scenarios effectively.

API integration: Utilize the platform’s API framework to connect with external systems and data sources. This unlocks the full potential of your application by extending its functionalities.

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We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meeting 


We prepare a proposal 

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